
来源 :西北师大学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nana119
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采用问卷法,选取285名回族青少年为样本,以被试的民族认同、自尊为自变量,以幸福感为因变量,运用聚类分析将青少年的民族认同发展状态区分为四类,即混乱、早闭、延缓和完成状态,检验了民族认同不同发展状态的青少年在自尊和幸福感水平上的差异。结果表明:大多数青少年的民族认同处于完成状态和延缓状态,民族认同与自尊和幸福感存在显著的正相关;民族认同不同发展状态的青少年其自尊和幸福感水平存在显著差异,处于民族认同完成状态的青少年其自尊和幸福感水平最高。民族认同是青少年自我概念的重要组成部分,是自尊的重要来源,对青少年的心理适应和发展具有重要意义。 Using the questionnaire method, 285 young adolescents from the Hui ethnic group were selected as samples. Based on their ethnic identity and self-esteem as independent variables and their happiness as the dependent variable, cluster analysis was used to classify adolescents’ ethnic identity development into four categories: chaos, Early closure, delay and completion of the state, test the national identity of different development status of adolescents in the level of self-esteem and happiness differences. The results show that: Most adolescents’ ethnic identity is in a state of completion and delaying. There is a significant positive correlation between national identity and self-esteem and happiness. Adolescents who have different national identities and different developmental states show significant differences in self-esteem and well-being, Teens in the state have the highest level of self-esteem and happiness. National identity is an important part of adolescent self-concept and an important source of self-esteem. It is of great significance to adolescents’ psychological adaptation and development.
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