Years to Remember——A tough battle of reform

来源 :China Textile | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mazhiqianggege
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From 1997 to 2000, China textile industry experienced a formidable reform, particularly in cotton textile sector, that was too much burdened with excessive spinning capacity for 40 million spindles. The central government decided to introduce some policies to streamline the textile industry, and entrusted the textile administrative body---State Bureau of the Textile Industry (SBTI) to carry out the decision. About 40 liaison officers of the SBTI worked in the entire country to implement the spindles tasks, of which Wang Tiankai, current vice president of China Textile and Apparel Council, was the commander in chief of this tough battle to get the industry out of trouble. From 1997 to 2000, China textile industry experienced a formidable reform, particularly in cotton textile sector, that was too much burdened with excessive spinning capacity for 40 million spindles. The central government decided to introduce some policies to streamline the textile industry, and entrusted the textile administrative body --- State Bureau of the Textile Industry (SBTI) to carry out the decision. About 40 liaison officers of the SBTI worked in the entire country to implement the spindles tasks, of which Wang Tiankai, current vice president of China Textile and the Apparel Council, was the commander in chief of this tough battle to get the industry out of trouble.
1  小男孩一手举着油灯,一手握成弧状,护卫着一星如豆的灯火,亦步亦趋,小心翼翼,低头行走在夜色里……  “你的文字没问题。”编辑字斟句酌,像是看透了我内心的脆弱,怕伤着我似的。我心跳如鼓,等待着他的下文。前面的,都是铺垫,都是出场的锣鼓。“我不知道你想表达什么。写小说,你还缺乏基本的内功……”终于,刺刀见红了。  他还在说,我听得恍惚。面纱既然撕下,不再闪烁其词。我扭头看窗外,正值四月,窗外春光