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马蒂斯与他的画马蒂斯,法国著名现代派画家,野兽派的代表人物。晚年的马蒂斯由于关节炎和其它疾病,已不能坐在画架前继续他心爱的工作。干是这位年近八旬的艺术家把全部时间和精力都投入到了剪纸创作中,并以剪纸的形式创造出新的辉煌。马蒂斯利用剪纸进一步发展了他绘画作品中那种优美的装饰风格。他的剪纸富于幻想的情调,跃动着一种旺盛的生命力,洋溢着春天的气息,明朗而欢快,创造了一种神话般的如梦似幻的境界。面对这些美妙的充满生命力的作品,你难以想像是出自一位病痛缠身的八旬老人之手。 Matisse and his paintings Matisse, the famous French modernist painter, representative of the Fauves. In his later years, due to arthritis and other diseases, Matisse can no longer sit in front of an easel and continue his beloved work. The artist, nearly eighty years old, put all his time and energy into the paper-cut creation and created new glories in the form of paper-cut. Matisse used paper-cut to further develop the beautiful decorative style of his paintings. His paper-cut rich fantasy mood, with a strong vitality, filled with the atmosphere of the spring, bright and cheerful, creating a fabulous dreamlike realm. In the face of these wonderful and vibrant works, you can hardly imagine the hand of a sick and elderly eighty-year-old man.
信息已是成为物质和能量以外的维持人类社会的第三资源。  美国巨富哈默一生中最活跃的25年是1931年从俄国回来后开始的。  哈默回国时,正是富兰克林·罗斯福逐渐走近白宫总统宝座的时候。罗斯福提出的解决经济危机的“新政”,获得了一些人的赞许。但此时,“新政”还没得势,一些人对“新政”能否成功持怀疑态度。哈默研究了当时美国国内的政治形势,认为罗斯福肯定会掌握美国政权,“新政”一定会成功。正是从这点出发