三明市把今年行政村电视覆盖率达到99.5%、97年达到100%,作为“百乡千村广播电视覆盖工程的迫切任务来抓,重新调整工作部署,修定覆盖工程规划,铁心拚搏,实现目标。 1997年实现奔小康目标是全省工作大局,电视覆盖率则是小康县、小康乡、小康户验收指标之一。三明市各级广播电视部门牢牢抓住广播电视这个能反映小康标准的最具代表性的农村文化娱乐项目,把覆盖工程纳入农村精神文明建设,作为农民致富奔小康的一个重要内容,采用小功率、多布点或建卫星地面接收站
Sanming City, this year’s administrative village TV coverage reached 99.5% in 1997 reached 100%, as "one hundred village radio and television coverage of the urgent task of grasping work to re-adjust the work plan, revising and covering project planning, work hard to achieve the goal The goal of achieving the well-off society in 1997 is the overall situation of the province’s work, and television coverage is one of the indicators of well-being in well-off and well-to-do villages and counties, and radio and television departments at all levels in Sanming firmly grasp the standard of well- The most representative rural culture and entertainment project, covering the project into the construction of spiritual civilization in rural areas, as an important part of farmers to get rich and prosperous, the use of low-power, multi-point or built satellite ground receiving station