为提高半挂车在急速转弯时的侧翻稳定性,通过一套液压主动防翻装置控制簧载质量侧倾角度,进而降低主要翻转力矩。为了研究主动防翻装置的性能,文中应用ADAMS仿真软件进行了基于侧翻平台的仿真研究,当加装主动防翻装置并设定横向加速度阈值为0.213g后,仿真得到半挂车的侧翻极限由0.3g提高到0.352g,主要翻转力矩的最大值降低了4.577×103 N.m。分析表明,应用该主动防翻装置,可使半挂车的侧翻稳定性提高17.3%,车架的受力状况得到改善。
In order to improve the rollover stability of semi-trailer during rapid turn, a set of hydraulic active anti-turn device is used to control the sprung mass roll angle so as to reduce the main overturning moment. In order to study the performance of the active anti-roll device, the simulation study based on the rollover platform is carried out by ADAMS simulation software. When the active anti-roll device is installed and the lateral acceleration threshold is set to 0.213g, the rollover limit From 0.3g to 0.352g, the maximum overturning moment decreased by 4.577 × 103 Nm. Analysis shows that the application of the active anti-roll device, can make rollover rollover stability increased by 17.3%, the frame of the stress conditions have been improved.