
来源 :长安大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaxiongaa
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为准确表征水泥混凝土路面基-面层层间接触参数,研发了可反映层间法向压应力差异的水平剪切试验仪,分2个阶段测定了层间经乳化沥青、土工布和沥青混凝土夹层等3种措施处置的水泥稳定碎石基层水泥混凝土路面的层间粘结-滑移曲线;通过回归分析建立了层间平均剪切刚度和法向压应力的关系模型;采用试算法确定了当量单圆荷载下层间剪切面的大小,并基于简单迭代法对层间平均剪切刚度进行了压应力修正,最终推荐了3种层间处置措施下的层间当量剪切刚度。研究结果表明:Ⅰ阶段的剪切试验中,层间使用乳化沥青处置的试件克服层间粘结所需的剪力最大、土工布次之、沥青混凝土夹层最小,基-面层粘结状态与层间处置措施显著相关,并直接影响着路面的结构行为,层间处置措施选择时需要在降低面层荷载应力和温度应力之间寻求平衡;与Ⅰ阶段的剪切结果相比,Ⅱ阶段的剪切试验中,3种试件的抗剪能力均显著减弱,平均剪切刚度大幅下降,不同使用阶段的路面结构层间剪切刚度差异巨大,路面结构分析时层间抗剪参数的选择须与使用状态相适应。 In order to accurately characterize the contact parameters between the base and the surface layer of cement concrete pavement, a horizontal shear tester which can reflect the difference of normal compressive stress between layers was developed. The interlaminar emulsified asphalt, geotextile and asphalt concrete Interlayer and other three kinds of measures to deal with the cement stabilized gravel cement concrete pavement layer of the bond-slip curve; established by regression analysis of the relationship between the average shear stiffness of the interlayer and the normal compressive stress model; test method to determine the Equivalent to the size of the interlaminar shear plane under single-circular load, and based on the simple iterative method, the average shear stiffness between layers was corrected by compressive stress. Finally, the interlaminar equivalent shear stiffness of three interlaminar measures was recommended. The results show that in the shear test of stage Ⅰ, the shear force required to overcome the interlayer bonding is the largest among the specimens treated with emulsified asphalt between layers, followed by geotextiles, with the smallest interbed of asphalt concrete, Which is significantly related to interlaminar disposal measures and directly affects the structural behavior of the pavement. The choice of interlacing measures needs to find a balance between reducing the surface load stress and temperature stress. Compared with the shear results of stage Ⅰ, stage Ⅱ Shear test, the shear resistance of the three kinds of specimens are significantly weakened, the average shear stiffness decreases sharply, the shearing stiffness of the pavement structure in different stages of use is very different, the choice of shear resistance parameters of the pavement structure analysis Must be compatible with the state of use.
余先生受骗上当    2003年,余先生投资5万元开了一家小企业,如今的资产已增至20多万元,企业发展势头相当不错,但苦于资金有限,因此想通过融资扩大业务。他先后找过十几家风险投资公司和投资中介公司,都没有结果。就在余先生快失去信心之时,终于遇见一家表示有兴趣的投资公司。这家公司自称是大型国有企业下属的风险投资公司,有项目专员、助理、副总、总监,像模像样,对余先生的项目询问得很详细,评价也很好。投