
来源 :北京农业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rmprinthecb
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近年来,由于化学肥料在农业生产中增产增效的显著作用,其得到广泛应用和农民的亲赖,人们逐渐忽略了有机肥料的使用,但随着不断增加的化肥使用量和滥用化肥现象的发生,化肥对土壤地力、结构性状以及对农产品质量的影响越来越突出,直接影响了耕地综合生产能力的下降和农业可持续发展,而积极施用有机肥是改变这一现状最有效办法,但由于秸秆还田、绿肥、农家肥等有机肥源数量有限,难以满足生产需要,因此生物有机肥以其营养元素齐全,能够改良土壤、能提高产品品质、能改善作物根际微生物群,提高植物的抗病虫能力、能促进化肥的利用,提高化肥利用率的特性,成为提高耕地地力和质量建设的途径之一。因此为了鉴定生物有机肥对作物丰产性、抗逆性、品质的影响,同时筛选生物有机肥最佳效益用量,为大田生产探索和提供科学依据,特实施本实验。 In recent years, due to the prominent role of chemical fertilizers in increasing agricultural production and efficiency, they are widely used and farmers rely on them. People gradually ignore the use of organic fertilizers. However, with the increasing use of chemical fertilizers and the abuse of chemical fertilizers Occurred, the impact of fertilizers on soil fertility, structural traits and the quality of agricultural products became more and more prominent, which directly affected the decline of comprehensive productivity of cultivated land and the sustainable development of agriculture. Actively applying organic fertilizer was the most effective way to change this situation, Due to the limited quantity of organic fertilizer such as straw returning, green manure and farmyard manure and so on, it is difficult to meet the needs of production. Therefore, bio-organic fertilizer can improve soil quality, improve soil quality, improve crop rhizosphere microbial population, Of the pest resistance, can promote the use of chemical fertilizers, improve the characteristics of fertilizer utilization, become one of the ways to improve the land productivity and quality of cultivated land. Therefore, in order to identify the impact of bio-organic fertilizer on crop yield, stress resistance and quality, at the same time to screen the best benefit of bio-organic fertilizer, to explore and provide scientific basis for field production.
目的:探讨弥散峰度成像(diffusion kurtosis imaging,DKI)预测及评价直肠癌新辅助放化疗后病理完全缓解(pathologic complete response,p CR)的应用价值。方法:连续入组40例