太原门球体育发展如火如荼。每逢重大赛事,都有上百支门球队聚集在赛场。是时,场地上彩旗飘扬、人声鼎沸,浩大的声势会让每一位过往行人都驻足留步, 令人眼热、心热。门球赛事的繁荣,凸显了门球运动的巨大魅力;门球赛事的市场活力,成了门球运动发展的助推器,推进着门球朝着多样化和社会化方向发展。门球发展形势喜人、也逼人,门球爱好者的热情感人、也催人!各种赛事不断,促进了门球运动的发展,而经费则是制约这项活动的瓶颈。门球赛事经费,到哪里去筹集? 太原市门协的作法是以人民体育人民办,全民健身全民办;既要靠市长,又要找市场;办自己的事,必须走自己的路为主导,进行分层开发、多极启动。
Taiyuan gateball sports in full swing. Every major event, there are hundreds of goal teams gathered in the stadium. Yes, the flags fluttering on the venue, voices, the vast momentum will make every passing pedestrians stay foot, eye-catching, heart-warming. The prosperity of the gateball game highlights the tremendous charm of the gateball game. The market vitality of the gateball game has become a booster for the development of gateball, pushing the gateball toward diversification and socialization. The situation of gateball development is also gratifying and pressing. The keen enthusiasm of door-keepers and the encouragement of all kinds of competitions have promoted the development of gateball, and funding is the bottleneck restricting this activity. How to raise the money for the goal match? The practice of Taiyuan City Door Association is to run the people’s sports and run the whole nation for fitness. It is necessary to rely on the mayor and the market. To do your own thing, you must follow your own path Dominant, hierarchical development, multi-polar start.