Objective To investigate the characteristics of fetal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of tuberous sclerosis (TCS). Methods From July 2013 to December 2014, prenatal ultrasound, MRI and fetal autopsy and postnatal follow-up were performed in Hubei Maternal and Child Health Hospital from October 2013 to December 2014 to analyze the imaging features of 10 fetuses with tuberous sclerosis. Results In prenatal ultrasound screening of 996 fetuses, echocardiography showed 18 cases (4 cases in one case and 14 cases in each case) of intrauterine or ventricular wall interventricular septum or intracameral round or nodular homogenous echogenic nodules No brain nodules were found. MRI was performed in 18 fetuses. Four cases of cardiac rhabdomyoma were found in the fetus. 10 cases of subependymal nodules in the brain showed small T1WI and T2WI low signal nodules, In the ependymal surface; in which cortical nodules merged in 3 cases, showed cortical and subcortical T2WI low signal lesions, irregular shape. Prenatal ultrasound and MRI combined diagnosis of fetal tuberous sclerosis in 10 cases (cardiac nodules and intracranial nodules coexist). 9 cases of pregnancy termination after imaging examination (2 autopsy diagnosis of fetal rhabdomyocardial tumor with intracranial nodules), 1 case was followed up for diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis. Conclusion Prenatal ultrasound is easy to show fetal rhabdomyosarcoma and can not display intracranial nodules; MRI is easy to show fetal intracranial nodules but only shows some of the heart nodules; ultrasound and MRI combined with the advantages of each other in order to confirm the diagnosis of fetal nodules Sclerosis provides more imaging evidence.