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国家出台了一系列鼓励旅游业发展的政策措施,苏州已明确“城市即旅游、旅游即生活”的旅游提升战略思路,吴江拥有两项世界历史文化遗产、三个历史文化名镇和百里太湖风光带,湖泊之多为苏州之最。近年来,吴江着力塑造“慢游吴江,快乐无疆”、“苏式生活,吴江服务”两大品牌,取得较显著成效。今年上半年全区接待国内外游客1050.71万人次,旅游总收入达到102.15亿元,分别同比去年增长8.4%和10.49%。但吴江旅游还存在着核心竞争力不够强、新的品牌尚未打响、产业链条欠严密、接待环境有待提升、整体活力不足等差距。放宽眼光、立足本地,吴江旅游的突破尤其宜在“大布局、最水乡、精细化、强创意”四个方面发力。 The state has promulgated a series of policies and measures to encourage the development of tourism. Suzhou has made clear its strategic thinking of “promoting tourism in the cities, namely tourism, tourism and life.” Wujiang owns two world historical and cultural heritages, three historical and cultural towns and one hundred In Tai Lake Scenic Belt, mostly lakes in Suzhou. In recent years, Wujiang has made great efforts to create two major brands, “Slowly Touring Wujiang, Happy Without Frontier”, “Jiangsu-style Living and Wujiang Service” and achieved remarkable results. In the first half of this year, the whole district received 10,507,100 tourists from home and abroad and the total tourism revenue reached 10.215 billion yuan, up by 8.4% and 10.49% respectively over the previous year. However, there is still a core competitiveness of Wujiang tourism is not strong enough, the new brand has not yet started, the industry chain is not tight, reception environment needs to be improved, the overall vitality of the gap. Relaxation of vision, based on the local Wujiang tourism breakthroughs should be especially in the “big layout, the most water, refinement, strong creative ” four aspects of force.
双 20t磁盘吊车的 16t吊钩由于布置在横梁中间,横梁两边连接电磁盘的吊链较短,在吸方坯下降过程中易导致吊钩频繁触钩,造成吊钩偏斜受力.吊钩吊运废钢槽时吊钩颈部歪斜,产生