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在人类文明的发展进程中,保护我们赖以生存的绿色空间,合理,有效的利用资源,减少废弃物对环境的压力,成为当代科学和技术发展中优先考虑的重要课题。然而即使在当今广泛提倡的绿色设计背后,却往往被人们所误解,很多企业打着“绿色设计”的旗帜,只在表面上做文章,在材料选择上利用自然物而不是通过技术层面从核心来解决产品的可持续。通过回收和再利用的产品因利益关系相反成为严重污染环境甚至生产出对人类健康有害的商品。本文旨在通过对 In the course of the development of human civilization, protecting the green space on which we depend for survival, using resources rationally and effectively, and reducing the pressure on waste from the environment has become a priority issue in science and technology development. However, even behind today’s widely-advocated green design, it is often misunderstood by many people. Many companies name the banner of “green design.” They only superficially use the natural materials instead of the technical ones The core to solve the product’s sustainability. Products that are recycled and reused have the potential to cause serious pollution to the environment and even produce products that are detrimental to human health because of the contrary interest. This article aims to pass
<正> 写文章最基本的要求是中心明确、内容充实、结构完整、语言通畅。不仅要求段落层次分明,开头结尾新颖有力,还要求“过渡”合理、自然。只有这样,才能使文章谨严,气血贯