Prevention of blindness is the most important goal of ophthalmology, and many of the factors are related to prevention of blindness, including science and technology, economic and social behavior. WHO, non-governmental organizations and other functional organizations are global in promoting anti-blind activities. More than 90% of the blind people live in developing countries. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness and are manageable. Onchocerciasis is a endemic disease in western and Central America. Ochotona curvatus Control Program (OCP) Was funded by the developed countries and was established by the WHO in 1974 to control onchocerciasis. The control of the vector (Sodium Flies) and the new drugs have made the program effective in eradicating the disease in order to prevent it There are prospects for success, and the status of blinding by trachoma, childhood blindness, glaucoma, and diabetes will also be discussed. Advances in molecular genetics of ocular diseases have opened the way to future blinding prevention of these diseases.