上赛季德国足球甲级联赛的最后一战给凯泽斯劳滕留下了历史上的奇耻大辱,只因与勒沃库森以1比1战成平局,他们最终获得第16名,导致降级。1991年刚刚夺得全国冠军,1995年就降级,这是谁也不愿接受的事实。 但是,这支老牌甲级劲旅毕竟有深厚的功底,他们请来了同样在那个赛季蒙受了被拜仁慕尼黑老板贝肯鲍尔解职之辱的著名教练雷哈格尔,全队上下同仇敌忾,拧成一股绳,终于经过一年的拼搏顺利夺得乙级联赛冠军,重新返回甲级赛圈。 经过一年的“惩罚”,使凯泽斯劳滕俱乐部上上下下憋足了劲头,决心以崭新的面貌出现在甲级赛场上,雪洗降级的耻辱。
Last season, the last German Bundesliga football match to Kaiserslautern left a historic humiliation, just as Bayer Leverkusen tied 1 to 1, they eventually won the first 16, leading to the relegation. In 1991 just won the national championship in 1995, demoted, which is unwilling to accept the fact that no one. However, this is a veteran of the top grade A strong background, they invited the same season suffered by the Bayern Munich boss Beckenbauer disgraced famous coach Rehhagel, the team up and down the same enemy 拧, twist into a Stock Ropes, and finally after a year’s hard work successfully won the Serie B championship, return to the first-class race. After a year of “punishment”, Kaiserslautern club briskly up and down the momentum, determined to a new look appeared in the A-class stadium, snow shame degradation.