林业的跨越式发展是一项庞大 的系统工程,需要多种因素的系统 集成和共同作用,投入、人才、政策 等都是不可或缺的要素。但从根本 和长远来看,先进技术和科技成果 的广泛应用以及创新思维的广泛传 播起着决定性的作用。一方面,六大 林业重点工程是林业科技工作的主 战场,林业科技只有服务于这个中 心,才会具有旺盛的生命力,发挥出 最佳效益;另一方面,大力加强科技 支撑工作,也是六大林业重点工程
The leap-forward development of forestry is a huge systematic project that requires systematic integration and interaction of many factors. Investment, personnel and policies are all indispensable elements. However, from a fundamental and long-term perspective, the widespread application of advanced technologies and scientific and technological achievements and the widespread dissemination of innovative thinking play a decisive role. On the one hand, the six major forestry key projects are the main battlefield of forestry science and technology work. Only by serving this center will forestry science and technology have strong vitality and exert the best benefits. On the other hand, vigorously strengthening scientific and technological support work is also the sixth largest Forestry key project