患者男性,40岁。因高烧、头痛、腰痛,伴恶心、呕吐3天,于1988年10月7日收入院。以往无心、肝、肾等脏器疾病史。体检:T40℃,P106次/min,R24次/min,BP 100/60mmHg。颜面、颈前区及前胸皮肤充血,球结膜充血水肿,软腭粘膜散在出血点。双肺(-)。心率106次/min,律齐,心音强,未闻及杂音。
Male patient, 40 years old. Due to a high fever, headache, back pain, with nausea, vomiting for 3 days, on October 7, 1988 income hospital. In the past no heart, liver, kidney and other organ disease history. Physical examination: T40 ℃, P106 times / min, R24 times / min, BP100 / 60mmHg. Face, neck area and chest skin congestion, conjunctival congestion and edema, soft palate mucosa scattered bleeding point. Double lung (-). Heart rate 106 beats / min, law Qi, strong heart sounds, no smell and noise.