A Little Monkey

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  Deep, deep in the jungle(丛林), there is a monkey. His name is Monty. He is four years old and is very naughty (调皮的). Monty has a round face with big brown eyes. He has a long curly(卷曲的)tail which is very strong. He also has strong arms and hands. He is dark brown. His legs are very long. He is very cheeky(厚脸的)and is funny, too. He is always nice and cheerful(快乐的). He is clever and likes to play with his friends. Monty likes to eat fruits and nuts. He cracks(破裂)nuts with his teeth. His favourite fruit is fresh yellow bananas.
  One day, when Monty was playing with his best friend, Pelly, the parrot(鹦鹉), his mum called him. Mum was going to get some fruit.She wanted Monty to go with her.
  “Okay”, Monty said. When they were walking the Monty saw a butterfly(蝴蝶). Monty tried to catch it. After a while Monty could not find his mum. Monty was lost. He jumped from tree to tree until he saw an ele?鄄phant. The elephant is big and grey. He was tall and could not hear clearly. The elephant said to Monty:“I am Elly.What is the matter?”“I can?蒺t find my mother. She is dark brown.”Monty answered.
  “I know where she is !She is in that hole on that mountain.”said Elly.“Thank you!You are a good friend.”Then Monty swinged from tree to tree.
  At last Monty arrived there. He saw a brown bear.“You are not my mum.”Monty said.“No, I am Ben, the bear. What is the matter?”Ben asked.“I have lost my mum.”Monty said. “I know where she is. She is standing beside that tree over there.”Ben said.“Thank you!You are helpful and nice!”Monty said.
  Monty jumped from tree to tree and landed on a big branch. But it was not his mum. It was a Giraffe(长颈鹿). “Hello, my name is Monty, the monkey.”Monty said.“Hi, my name is Gillian, the Giraffe.”She had a very long neck and long legs. Monty asked her to help him find his mother. Giraffe stretched(伸)her neck and looked around.“Ah, she is right up at the top.”So Monty climbed to the top.
  He arrived but did not see his mum, instead, he saw a lemur(狐猴). She had big red eyes and a long tail. Her name was Louise. She told Monty that his mother was down there eating. Monty jumped there, but all he saw was a deer. The deer?蒺s name was Danni. She said,“Your mum is over there by some bamboo (竹子)trees.”
  Monty ran to the bamboo and heard a noise. He saw a panda crying and gave a nut to the panda.When he bit the nut, a tooth fell out.“Oh,thank you!I had a bad tooth and I could not get it out, but you helped me, you are my friend.”Monty was very happy and told the panda that he was looking for his mum everywhere but did not find her.
  “Right, she is over there. Trust me .”said the panda. Monty soon jumped away. He arrived and saw his mum.“Ah, Monty, my dear, where have you been? I was so worried.”Then they went home together.
  Now it is August. In autumn it is like a golden world. Monty likes playing in the trees. A lot of leaves fall down from the trees and the wind blows them around. Monty likes eating apples and bananas. He often stands under the trees waiting them to come down. Monty also wants to get some leaves and put them in a book. “Then I close the book and press(压)it hard. When I open the book, the leaves will be flat and stick to the book. What a lot of fun!”
  Monty is living happily with his mum. He says to mum:“I am clever and strong. I have lots of friends. I love to talk. I get along well with everyone. I want everyone to be happy. ”His mum smiles and says:“Monty, you are a good boy. Always be friendly to others, and do good deeds for them. ”
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例1 王某,女,33岁,汉族。以腹痛待查于1991年12月18日收住我院妇科。患者G_2P_1,月经史153~4/23~25d,经量中等,末次月经为1991年12月3日,经量同以前相比略少,5d干净。患者于19
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