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本文基于企业国际化“跳板”观点,通过对具有对外直接投资的民营企业进行分析,检验了国际化动因(市场、战略资产和制度)对进入模式的影响,以及创始人国际经验的调节作用。研究发现:虽然本文在市场动因方面支持“跳板”观点,但在制度动因上得出相反结论,对战略资产动因的分析也未得到支持;与“跳板”观点不同,创始人国际经验不利于企业提高进入模式的水平,而且可以弱化市场动因对进入模式的影响。最后本文进行了针对性讨论。 Based on the viewpoints of internationalization and “springboard”, this paper analyzes the impact of international motivation (market, strategic assets and institutions) on entry mode and the adjustment of founders’ international experience by analyzing the private enterprises with direct investment abroad effect. The research finds that although this article supports the view of “springboard” in terms of market motivation, it draws an opposite conclusion on institutional motivation and does not support the analysis of the motivation of strategic assets. Different from the view of “springboard”, Founder International Experience is not conducive to enterprises to improve the level of entry mode, but also weakened the market drivers on the impact of entry mode. Finally, this article has carried on the targeted discussion.
近日到外校去听公开课,一位女教师执教的《华南虎》赢得了听课教师的一片掌声。这节课也深深打动了我,激动和回味之余,我却找不到一个合适的词语来表达自己对这节课的感受。课后和一位同行交流时,他无意说了一句话:“这节课的气场很足。”对,就是这个词——“气场”,一个气功术语,而此时用在我们的语文课堂教学上却是如此贴切。  最近为了准备上评优课,我观看了大量竞赛课和名师公开课的教学视频。其中,朱则光老师的《百
选用半万能孔型作为60 kg/m钢轨万能精轧机孔型,同时综合考虑标准要求、轧辊使用寿命、矫直以及对成品单重影响等因素设计万能精轧机孔型,所设计的万能精轧机孔型已用于生产