Radon, Radon and its dose and allowable concentration of 氡 (222 Rn) is an inert gas, which is the product of the decay of radium (~(226) Ra) alpha in the uranium radium system. It is also known as laser gas. Radium is also a decay product of uranium (~(238)U). Because uranium is almost everywhere, there are blemishes everywhere. Of course, uranium mines have the most helium in the borehole. However, in general, uranium contains uranium, which is thousands of times lower than uranium. However, if it is not well ventilated, the concentration of thorium can be higher than that of ventilated uranium. Cookware is radioactive. However, because helium is a gas, it can be exhaled by inhalation, and it quickly enters and exits the balance, and the cesium that enters the body spreads evenly throughout the body, so the amount of radiation that forms in the lungs is very small. The more harmful are the short-lived daughters formed after the decay of 氡α, which are metal particles such as lanthanum, lead and bismuth, which can be continuously deposited on the surface of bronchial mucosa after inhalation. RaA and RaG′ release α-rays in the tissues. The range is 47 and 71 microns, just enough to hit the basal cells of the bronchial epithelium, causing it to become cancerous. Concentration of radon with radioactivity per liter of air (Curie Gi)