为了实现消除新生儿破伤风 (NNT)的目标 ,1996年卫生部、联合国儿童基金会与海南省合作 ,在三亚市、琼中县开展了消除NNT试点研究工作。方法是 :采用按容量比例概率抽样 (PPS)方法调查项目市、县活动前后育龄期妇女破伤风类毒素 (TT)接种率 ,育龄期妇女未接种TT的主要原因。育龄期妇女TT接种以突击接种为主 ,并逐步纳入常规计划免疫系统 ,NNT病例监测纳入急性弛缓性麻痹 (AFP)病例监测系统同时运行。通过项目的开展TT3 接种率分别提高到 87 3 %、88 8% ,NNT发病率下降到1/ 10 0 0个活产儿以下 ,TT未接种的主要原因为外出打工。监测系统报告男女病例比例 1 2 5 :1。建议 :①提高新法接生率 ;②将育龄期妇女TT接种纳入常规计划免疫运转 ,并应与计划生育、优生、优育工作密切结合
To achieve the goal of eliminating neonatal tetanus (NNT), in 1996, the Ministry of Health and UNICEF, in cooperation with Hainan Province, conducted a pilot NNT study in Sanya and Qiongzhong counties. The method is as follows: To investigate the prevalence of tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccination in women of childbearing age before and after the project in cities and counties and the unvaccinated TT in women of childbearing age by the method of proportional probability sampling (PPS). TT vaccination in women of childbearing age is mainly conducted by surprise vaccination and is gradually incorporated into the routine planned immune system. Monitoring of NNT cases is included in the simultaneous monitoring of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) case monitoring systems. Through the project, the vaccination rate of TT3 increased to 87.3% and 88.8% respectively, and the incidence of NNT dropped to below 1/100 live births. The main cause of TT unvaccination was working outside the home. The monitoring system reported a ratio of men to women of 125: 1. Recommendations: ① improve the birth rate of new law; ② women of childbearing age TT vaccination included in the regular immunization operation, and should be closely integrated with family planning, eugenics, fertility work