20世纪伟大钢琴家中有4位来自奥地利,也被称为奥地利钢琴四杰。4人中,约格·德穆斯最全面,在声乐艺术指导、室内乐和独奏3个领域都很杰出,无论在音乐界还是市场上都有极高的知名度。8月赴奥地利萨尔茨堡音乐节。在一场非音乐节音乐会上,奇遇了著名钢琴家约格·德穆斯(Jorg Demus)。2日晚,我从萨尔茨堡老城步行回住处,经过米拉贝拉宫殿时,看到一张简易海报。是独唱和钢琴独奏音乐会,出演者几平都是日本人,再细看,居然有约格·德穆斯。奥地利钢琴四杰之一怎么会和一群不知名的日本人一起开音乐会?而且票价比音乐节的便宜很多,最贵才37欧元。举办音乐会的地方更像一个客厅,80平
Four of the great 20th century pianists came from Austria, also known as the Austrian piano four. Among the 4 people, Jörgen Demos is the most comprehensive and outstanding in three areas: vocal art direction, chamber music and solo, both in the music industry and in the market. August Austria Salzburg Music Festival. In a non-music festival, the famous pianist Jorg Demus was encountered. On the evening of the 2nd, I walked back to the residence from the old town of Salzburg and saw a simple poster as I passed the Palazzo Mirabera. Solo and piano recital concerts, the performers are a few flat are Japanese, look closely, actually there Jogde Demos. How did one of the Austrian piano quarters open a concert with a group of unknown Japanese people? And fares are a lot cheaper than the festival, the most expensive of 37 euros. The place where the concert is held is more like a living room, 80 level