现就我院1999-2002年共收治持续黄体囊肿误诊为宫外孕6例分析如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 我院从1999-2002年共收治持续黄体囊肿误诊为宫外孕6例。年龄最小18岁,最大24岁,平均22岁;6例均有停经史,停经时间在48天-71天;3例一侧下
Now my hospital from 1999 to 2002 were treated with continuous luteal cyst misdiagnosed as ectopic pregnancy 6 cases are analyzed as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information Our hospital from 1999 to 2002 were treated with continuous luteal cyst misdiagnosed as ectopic pregnancy in 6 cases. The youngest 18 years old, the largest 24 years old, average 22 years old; 6 cases had history of menopause, menopause time in 48 days -71 days; 3 cases