目的探讨了银川市100例急性酒精中毒病例的急救与护理措施,以提高抢救和治疗效果。方法2014年1月~2015年12月收治急性酒精中毒患者100例。结果100例均3~5h恢复意识,1~2d内治愈康复出院,无死亡病例,并对临床资料进行详细分析。结论根据实际情况选择止呕、促醒、洗胃、护胃、利尿等措施,同时做好保暖、吸氧、保持呼吸道通畅等基础急救工作。而且尽快除去消化道中残留的乙醇或使用有效解毒剂加速乙醇的排出,以及加强重要脏器和血糖的实时监测,可使酒精中毒患者症状迅速减轻。“,”Objective The emergency treatment and nursing of 100 patients with acute alcoholism in Yinchuan were explored in this paper,which were in order to improve the rescue and treatment.Methods A detailed analysis of the clinical data was studied.100 cases of acute alcohol poisoning patients were selected from January 2014 to December 2015.Results 100 cases restored consciousness in 3 to 5 hours and heal discharged from 1 to 2 days,no deaths.Conclusion Awaking,antiemetic,protecting stomach,diuretic and other measures should be used according to the actual situation of gastric lavage,and keep good warm,oxygen,the airway open and general emergency work should be considered at the same time.To remove the rudimental ethanol or to accelerate the discharge of ethanol by using effective antidote.And dynamic monitoring of the full range of vital organs and blood sugar,can make the rapid reduction of symptoms of alcohol poisoning patients.