运用阻抗管法研究了定向结构麦秸板及其复合墙体的基本声学性能(包括吸声、隔声)。结果表明其吸声系数远高于混凝土或砖墙等传统建筑材料,在1 800~3 500 Hz范围内其吸声性能较好。采用单因素试验设计,研究了空腔厚度、吸声材料厚度、吸声材料在空腔中放置的位置对定向结构麦秸板复合墙体隔声性能的影响。结果表明:空腔厚度对定向结构麦秸板复合墙体隔声性能影响显著,当空腔厚度小于100 mm时,构件的隔声性能与空腔厚度成正比;吸声材料在空腔中远离声源放置会提高OSSB复合墙体的隔声性能。
Impedance tube method was used to study the basic acoustic properties (including sound absorption and sound insulation) of oriented structure wheat straw board and its composite wall. The results show that the sound absorption coefficient is far higher than the traditional building materials such as concrete or brick wall, and the sound absorption performance is good in the range of 1 800 ~ 3 500 Hz. The single factor experiment design was used to study the influence of cavity thickness, thickness of sound absorbing material and the position of sound absorbing material in cavity on the sound insulation performance of oriented structure straw board composite wall. The results show that the cavity thickness has a significant influence on the sound insulation performance of the composite board with oriented structure. When the cavity thickness is less than 100 mm, the sound insulation performance of the component is proportional to the cavity thickness. The sound absorbing material is far away from the sound source Placement increases the sound insulation of the OSSB composite wall.