由江西拖拉机厂和江西农业大学联合设计、南昌旋耕机厂试制的1G-125A 型旋耕机,最近通过省级技术鉴定。该机具是为小马力四轮拖拉机丰收-180配套的一种新型耕作机械,采用三点悬挂式侧边齿轮
Developed by Jiangxi Tractor Factory and Jiangxi Agricultural University, the 1G-125A Rotary Tiller trial-produced by Nanchang Rotary Tiller Plant recently passed the provincial technical appraisal. The machine is a new type of farming machinery for the horsepower four-wheel tractor harvest -180 supporting the use of three-point hanging side gear