Effect of heat treatment on eutectic silicon morphology and mechanical property of Al-Si-Cu-Mg cast

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xax_616
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Through morphology observation on silicon particles of Al-Si-Cu-Mg cast alloy, it is found that during solution treatment the evolution of eutectic silicon morphology and their effect on mechanical properties can be classified into three stages. In the initial stage, necking, stubbing and fragmentation of silicon particles result in the improvement of plasticity of alloy. In the intermediate stage, the mechanical properties of 354 alloy attain peak values due to spheroidization of silicon particles. In the final stage, the drop of hardness and strength is related to the deterioration of silicon morphology. The facets and lap occur in silicon particles and the coarsening process of silicon follows LSW model. During aging, the clusters of excess silicon can work as barriers for dislocation movement and thus enhance the strength of alloy. On the other hand, excess Si affects the process of aging precipitation and leads to a fine and highly dense distribution of GP zones, finally effectively strengthens the alloy. Through morphology observation on silicon particles of Al-Si-Cu-Mg cast alloy, it is found that during solution treatment the evolution of eutectic silicon morphology and their effect on mechanical properties can be classified into three stages. In the initial stage, necking, stubbing and fragmentation of silicon particles result in the improvement of plasticity of alloy. In the intermediate stage, the mechanical properties of 354 alloy attain peak values ​​due to spheroidization of silicon particles. In the final stage, the drop of hardness and strength is related to the deterioration of silicon morphology. The facets and lap occur in silicon particles and the coarsening process of silicon follow LSW model. During aging, the clusters of excess silicon can work as barriers for dislocation movement and thus enhance the strength of alloy. hand, excess Si affects the process of aging precipitation and leads to a fine and highly dense distribution of GP zones, finally effective ly strengthens the alloy.
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