
来源 :福建法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu1208
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我国《民事诉讼法》第39条规定,上级人民法院有权审理下级人民法院管辖的第一审民事案件,也可以把本院管辖的第一审民事案件交下级人民法院审理。下级人民法院对自身管辖的第一审民事案件,认为需要由上级人民法院审理的,也可以报请上级人民法院审理。对此,有论者分别将这两种管辖 Article 39 of China’s Civil Procedure Law stipulates that the people’s court at a higher level shall have the power to hear first instance civil cases governed by lower people’s courts or submit the first instance civil cases governed by this court to lower people’s courts for trial. If the people’s court at the lower level considers the first instance civil case of its own jurisdiction that it needs to be tried by a higher people’s court, it may also submit the case to a higher people’s court for trial. In this regard, some scholars will be the two kinds of jurisdiction respectively
星云大师在谈到一道汤的美味时说:“这汤之所以鲜美,主要是因为我们花了大把的时光,才烹制出食材本身的香气。”  花大把时光熬制一道汤是一个怎样的过程?细细地准备食材,不急不缓地做,慢慢地等水开起来,然后用文火熬上很久很久,直到鲜美味道溢出来。这道汤,在时光里熬煮过,味道醇厚绵长,回味无穷。这样一道汤,是要细细品咂的,如果“咕咚”几下吞下肚子,实在是辜负了汤的美味。  如今,用大把的时光熬一道汤,对很