
来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blackboy1221
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转换企业经营机制,是当前经济体制改革的重点。实行高度集中、统一指挥的铁路运输企业,管理体制要不要搞活、能不能搞活、怎样搞活?是当前深化铁路运输体制改革中的一个重要课题。与一般企业不同,铁路运输企业具有独特的特点。铁路是国民经济的大动脉,是关系国计民生的重要部门。它又是多工种、多层次组成的大联动机,是高度社会化的大生产。它既要求集中管理、统一指挥,又要多层次、多环节密切协作,才能发挥整体效益,满足现代化建设的需要。当前在改革中要纠正两种不正确的认识和做法:一是不适当地把对铁路运输生产的集中统一指挥扩大到铁路运输业的各个方面,与增强企业活力对立起来;另一种是忽视铁路运输业的特点,所采取的“改革”措施与铁路运输业的生产力性质不相适应。那么,在铁路运输业实行高度集中、统一指挥的运输管理体制下,能不能搞活企业及其基层站段,把两者统一起来呢?回答是肯定的。寻求铁路运输业集中统一和增强企业活力相统一的结合点,要注意以下特点: The transformation of business management mechanism is the focus of the current economic reform. The implementation of highly concentrated and unified command of railway transport enterprises, the management system to invigorate, can invigorate, how to invigorate? It is an important task to deepen the reform of the railway transport system. Different from ordinary enterprises, railway transport enterprises have unique characteristics. The railway is the main artery of the national economy and an important department that relates to the national economy and the people’s livelihood. It is also a multi-type, multi-level formation of a large linkage, is a highly social mass production. It requires centralized management, unified command, but also multi-level, multi-part close collaboration in order to give play to the overall effectiveness and meet the needs of modernization. At present, we must correct two incorrect understandings and practices in the reform: First, the improper extension of the centralized and unified command of rail transport to all aspects of railway transport is opposed to the enhancement of the vitality of the enterprises; the other is to ignore The characteristics of the railway transport industry, the “reform” measures adopted are incompatible with the nature of the productive forces in the railway transport industry. Then, under the highly centralized and unified command of the transport management system, can the railway transport industry invigorate the enterprises and their grassroots stations and unify the two? The answer is affirmative. Seeking the unity of the railway transportation industry and the unity of the vitality of the enterprise, we should pay attention to the following characteristics:
有关海洋红藻江蓠(Gracilaria tikvahi-ae)生长的一些研究工作已经有所报道。这种藻类生长快并含有有价值的琼胶。据报道,在最适或接近最适的生长条件下,某些野生型品系干物
鹰爪虾是山东省海洋渔业的主要捕捞对象之一,全省年产量一般在3,000~7,000吨。近几年,资源上升,产量达万吨以上。下面对鹰爪虾捕捞技术作一简要介绍: 渔场与渔期鹰爪虾的捕捞
九、显示控制 在显示器上显示一张3号图时,该图将被缩小得很小,以致图和字常常无法辨认。如果显示器的分辨率较低,这种情况就更加突出。 Nine, the display control When t