合成水晶是从矿石里面提炼出来经人工合成的水晶材料,与天然水晶成分相同。以合成水晶为原料, 制作水晶工艺品,其市场前景相当乐观。水晶工艺品的特点华贵典雅、晶莹剔透、玲珑夺目、雪白如玉,各种动物造型栩栩如生,人物造型姿态万千。威武之处气势磅礴,微妙之处细若发丝,可制作奔马、雄鹰、情人丘比特、龙舟等一千多个品种,还可根据自己的创意
Synthetic crystal is a synthetic crystal material that is extracted from ore and is the same as natural crystal. Using synthetic crystals as raw materials to produce crystal handicrafts, its market prospects are quite optimistic. The characteristics of crystal crafts are luxurious and elegant, crystal clear, exquisite and eye-catching, white and jade, and various animal models come alive. The majestic and majestic places are subtle and subtle. If the hair is delicate, you can create more than 1,000 varieties such as galloping horses, eagles, lover Cupid, and dragon boats.