
来源 :中国生物制品学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chi421
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轮状病毒是全球引起婴幼儿急性胃肠炎的最主要病原体,目前尚无有效的治疗药物,而疫苗是预防轮状病毒感染最经济有效的手段。在疫苗的质量控制中,外源因子是重要的检测指标。在2010年,葛兰素史克和默克世界两大疫苗生产厂商所生产的Rotarix誖和RotaTeq誖中,均检出有外源因子———猪圆环病毒。这是继肠套叠事件之后,轮状病毒疫苗的安全性问题再度成为卫生领域关注的焦点。本文介绍了猪圆环病毒的基本情况以及当前的研究进展、污染事件的始末和各方的应对措施,并简要分析该事件处理中的经验教训。 Rotavirus is the most important cause of acute gastroenteritis in infants and young children in the world. There is no effective therapeutic drug currently, and the vaccine is the most economical and effective way to prevent rotavirus infection. In the quality control of vaccines, exogenous factors are important test indicators. In 2010, both exogenous factors, porcine circovirus, were detected in Rotarix and RotaTeq produced by the two vaccine manufacturers GSK and Merck. This is the focus of the health field once again after the intussusception incident and the safety of the rotavirus vaccine. This article describes the basic situation of porcine circovirus and the current research progress, pollution incidents and all parties to deal with the response, and a brief analysis of the incident handling lessons learned.