目的了解贵阳市高中生健康素养现状及其影响因素,为制定和评价健康教育和健康促进策略提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样的方法,于2015年5—6月随机抽取贵阳市6所高中1 657名学生进行问卷调查。结果贵阳市高中生具备健康素养的为112名(6.8%),其中3个维度健康素养具备率分别为健康技能36.1%(598名)、健康生活方式与行为26.1%(433名)、基本知识和理念80名(4.8%);6类健康问题中,健康素养具备率由高到低依次为安全与急救(882名,53.2%)、科学健康观(852名,51.4%)、基本医疗(469名,28.3%)、健康信息(417名,25.2%)、传染病防治(349名,21.1%)、慢性病防治(177名,10.7%)。多因素非条件Logistic回归分析显示,居住地、健康教育课程、学习成绩及父亲文化程度是贵阳市高中生健康素养的影响因素。结论贵阳市高中生健康素养水平总体偏低,社会、学校及家庭应共同给高中生创造支持性环境,提升学生健康素养水平。
Objective To understand the status of health literacy and its influencing factors among senior high school students in Guiyang, and to provide the basis for the formulation and evaluation of health education and health promotion strategies. Methods A multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method was used to randomly select 1 657 students from 6 high schools in Guiyang from May to June 2015 to conduct a questionnaire survey. Results There were 112 healthy students (6.8%) in Guiyang, among which 36.1% (598) had health literacy and 26.1% (433) had healthy lifestyles and behaviors, and their basic knowledge (882, 53.2%), scientific health (852, 51.4%), basic medical care (852), and basic medical treatment 469, 28.3%), health information (417, 25.2%), prevention and treatment of communicable diseases (349, 21.1%) and prevention and treatment of chronic diseases (177 and 10.7%). Multivariate non-conditional logistic regression analysis showed that the places of residence, health education courses, academic performance and father’s education were the influencing factors of senior high school students’ health literacy in Guiyang. Conclusion The level of health literacy of high school students in Guiyang is generally low. The society, schools and families should jointly create a supportive environment for high school students and improve their health literacy.