患者 ,男 ,45岁。 1995年 3月 10日上午 9点左右因轻生自服中草药“铁棒锤”2粒 ,约半小时后即感心慌、心悸、胃部灼热难耐 ,不停搔抓中上腹部及胸部。随之渐出现全身发软 ,无力 ,舌麻 ,舌僵 ,牙根僵木 ,口干舌燥 ,头痛 ,恶心 ,呕吐出清水样胃内容物少许 ,未见食糜。下午 2~ 3
Patient, male, 45 years old. At about 9:00 am on March 10, 1995, I took self-service Chinese herbal medicine “iron stick hammer” at about 9:00 am. After about half an hour, I felt flustered, palpitations, and burning in the stomach. I kept scratching my mid-upper abdomen and chest. With the gradual emergence of a weak body, weakness, tongue hemp, tongue stiffness, frozen roots, dry mouth, headache, nausea, vomiting out of the water content of a little stomach, no restaurant. Afternoon 2~3