主持人虾侃先生的开场白 HI,各位,今天有幸请到四位大腕到我们的虚拟时空聊天室里见面,我想我就不用介绍了,都是鼎鼎大名的人物,中国外籍教练的四大天王。下面出场的是—— 中国国家队主教练米卢同志, (灯光一阵乱闪,老米身穿一件红T恤出场,向女球迷乱抛媚眼,底下旁听的女球迷尖叫:“米卢米卢我爱你,就像老鼠爱大米。”)大连实德队主教练科萨同志, (科萨穿一件花衬衣,风流倜傥地登场,对球迷不屑一顾,昂首而入)上海申花队主教练佩特同志, (佩特穿一身名牌西服,小头梳得一丝不苟地上场,面露随和的微笑)四川商务通队主教练霍顿先生, (霍顿穿一件衬衣,把西服搭在肩上,两手插在兜里,似笑非笑走上来,有四川的女球迷一声大叫:“牛顿,雄起!”,大伙一阵笑,霍顿也跟着笑)
Host Mr. Hidekar’s opening remarks HI, ladies and gentlemen, today are fortunate enough to be invited to the four biggest names to meet with us in our virtual time and space chat room. I do not think I need to introduce them. They are famous figures and the four kings of Chinese foreign coaches . Here are the appearances - China National Team coach Comrade Milo, (light burst of chaos, Lao Mi wearing a red T-shirt appearance, to the female fans chanting flirtatious, under the screaming female fans screaming: “Milutinovic Milutinovic I love you, just like rats love rice. ”) Dalian Shide coach Xhosa, (Xhosa wearing a shirt, romantic shy debut, disdain for the fans, get up) Shanghai Shenhua Coach Petter comrades, (Peite wearing a brand-name suits, small head combed meticulously playing, revealing easy-going smile) Sichuan Business Wound coach Horton, (Horton wearing a shirt, put the suit on Shoulder, his hands in his pockets, like laughing come up, there are female fans in Sichuan shouted: “Newton, Xiongqi!”, Everyone burst of laughter, Haughton also followed laugh)