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随着社会经济的持续迅猛发展,社会环境和经济环境不断复杂,企业之间的竞争也日益剧烈,为适应经济发展的大潮流,许多企业在经营过程中往往采取开拓市场、扩大其经营等各种手段以提高经济效益。但在采取这些经营策略的同时,企业内部潜藏的风险常常会暴露出来。所谓企业财务风险,广义上讲是指企业财务盈亏的不确定性,狭义上就是指损失的不确定性。许多企业在经营策略上积累了很多经验,但是其管理水平却缺乏改革创新,依然停滞不前,不能适应企业的快速发展,往往面临更高的风险,并且在面临风险时缺乏相应的对应策略,从而造成巨大损失。我国已有许多公司企业因缺乏有效的风险控制手段,导致内部出现财务危机并逐渐走向倒闭。如何在保障高收益的同时将企业财务风险降到最低已成为如今热门的经济话题。本文主要研究了企业财务风险控制研究的背景、造成财务风险的原因、财务风险控制中存在的相关问题以及针对这些问题企业应采取的财务风险管理办法。 With the sustained and rapid social and economic development, the social environment and the economic environment continue to be complicated, and the competition among enterprises is also becoming increasingly fierce. In order to meet the tide of economic development, many enterprises often adopt the methods of opening up markets and expanding their businesses Ways to improve economic efficiency. However, these business strategies are taken at the same time, the hidden risks within the enterprise are often exposed. The so-called corporate financial risk, in a broad sense refers to the uncertainty of corporate financial profit and loss, narrow sense refers to the loss of uncertainty. Many enterprises have accumulated a lot of experience in business strategy, but their management level is lack of reform and innovation, are still stagnant, can not adapt to the rapid development of enterprises, are often faced with higher risks, and face the risk of lack of corresponding strategies, Resulting in huge losses. Many enterprises in our country have been lacking effective risk control measures, resulting in the internal financial crisis and the gradual closure. How to minimize the financial risks of enterprises while safeguarding high profits has become a hot topic nowadays. This paper mainly studies the background of corporate financial risk control research, the causes of financial risk, the related problems in the control of financial risk and the financial risk management measures that should be taken by the enterprises for these problems.
【摘要】高职实践教学已经成为培养实用人才的有效教学手段,实践教学体系的建构要从教育思想、培养方案、师资培训、基地建设、课堂改革、实践教学活动开展等方面展开工作。  【关键词】高职教育;实践教学;体系构建    引言  随着经济的高速发展和科技日益进步,高等教育呈现出多元化、多层次的发展态势,以实践能力为核心的职业能力培养成为衡量高职教育质量高低的重要指标之一。在教育部《高等教育面向21世纪教学内容
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