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利用阴式B超绝经后妇女子宫内膜厚度,并获取组织行病理检查,探讨二者关系,本文对此进行综述,有助于临床医生合理利用阴式超声发现内膜癌变,为患者提供一种无创监测及诊断内膜病变的方法。绝经后出血内膜厚度大于4.5mm,黑白B超最好的预测内膜恶性病变的形态学改变是内膜回声不均匀,敏感性达73%,特异性92%,彩色多普勒超声则依据子宫内膜血管的不规则分支,敏感性达60%,特异性94%。绝经后出血内膜厚度小于等于4.4mm,因内膜癌风险很低,所以限制使用内膜活检,6个月B超随诊一次,如发现内膜增厚,则行内膜活检。有经验的检查者之间和同一有经验的检查者前后检查的结果没有差异,结果稳定可靠,可重复性极强。 The use of vaginal B-postmenopausal women with endometrial thickness, and access to histological examination to explore the relationship between the two, this review will help clinicians rational use of vaginal ultrasound to detect endometrial cancer, provide a Non-invasive monitoring and diagnosis of endometrial disease methods. Postmenopausal bleeding greater than 4.5mm thickness of the endometrium, black and white B-ultrasound is the best prediction of morphological changes of endometrial malignancy is intimal echo uneven, sensitivity 73%, specificity 92%, color Doppler ultrasound is based on Irregular branches of endometrial blood vessels, the sensitivity of 60%, specificity 94%. Postmenopausal bleeding endometrial thickness less than or equal to 4.4mm, due to the low risk of endometrial cancer, so the limit of endometrial biopsy, 6 months B-followed up once, if found thickening of the intima, the endomyocardial biopsy. There was no difference in the results of the before-and-after examination between the experienced examiners and the same experienced examiner, and the results were stable and reliable, and the reproducibility was extremely high.