The status and level of the development of integrated circuits have become the major measure of the development of computer science and microelectronics. In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the invention of integrated circuits, we not only miss and learn the achievements and contributions of the inventors, but also come to understand its invention Process, inventor and inventor of time. This article attempts to analyze and explain the problems that have been going on for decades through the large amount of materials collected, especially the memories and files of scientists who have contributed to this. This article sets out from the original data, expounds the process of the invention of the integrated circuit, obtains G.W. A. Dammer just put forward the concept of integrated circuits and the initial program, I. M. Silicon stepping devices such as Los are just a pioneer of its invention, and its first inventor was American J. Kilby, invented on September 12, 1958. R. Noyce could be seen as a second inventor, who contributed to other aspects of the early integrated circuit architecture, around February-March 1959.