Patient, 64 years old. The patient suffered discomfort in the upper abdomen for 1 month, with acid reflux and loss of appetite. There was tenderness under the xiphoid process on the upper abdomen, and the rest were normal. Gastroscopy examination of the body side of the curvature of the two visible diameter of 0.8cm ulcers, suggesting gastric ulcer. B-ultrasound; drinking water observed after the small gastric anterior wall, gastric body thickening significantly, a wider range of about 7.0cm × 1.0cm. The stomach wall thickness was 1.5 cm, the mucosal surface echo was strong, the surface was uneven, and the serosa echo was enhanced. The stomach wall tumor showed a uniform, low-echo of lumpy mass, with no enlarged lymph nodes around. B-ultrasound report: Gastric space-occupying lesions (ulcerative gastric cancer) invade serosa.