学前教育是基础教育的基础,它对一个人一生有着不可估量的影响。学前教育虽不属于义务教育范畴。但它对实施初等义务教育起着重要的作用。 囿于条件,在经济还不很发达的少数民族地区的农村牧区,有95%的苏木乡镇没有正规的幼儿园,儿童没有入园的机会,只能进入学前班接受学前教育。怎样才能搞好少数民族地区农村牧区的学前教育,想结合实际,谈点肤浅的看法。
Pre-school education is the foundation of basic education, which has an immeasurable impact on a person’s life. Although pre-school education does not belong to the scope of compulsory education. However, it plays an important role in implementing primary compulsory education. In light of the conditions, in the rural pastoral areas in the undeveloped ethnic minority areas, 95% of the towns and villages in Sumu have no formal kindergartens. Children have no chance of admission and can only enter preschool to receive preschool education. How to improve the preschool education in rural pastoral areas in ethnic minority areas?