一、流感病毒的发现流感 (influenza)一词来源于拉丁语influentia的意大利形式 ,意为“流行的、传染的”。早在远古时期 ,这种高度传染的急性呼吸道疾病就已困扰人类。其在人群中突然发生 ,持续数周后又突然消失 ,由于特点鲜明 ,人们很容易识别这种流行 ,即
The discovery of the flu virus The term influenza is derived from the Italian form of the Latin influentia, meaning “epidemic, contagious.” As early as ancient times, this highly contagious acute respiratory disease has plagued humans. It suddenly occurs in the population and continues to disappear abruptly for several weeks. Because of its distinctive features, it is easy to identify this epidemic, namely