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公安消防部队是一支同火灾作斗争的军事化、专业化队伍,在作战行动中,消防部队在火场的主要任务有两项:救人与救火。有人已注意到这两个词,认为说“救人”可以,但说“救火”好像于理不通。人可以救助,但火就不宜救助,还是灭掉的好,觉得这个词的组合有逻辑错误。其实,“救火”的说法并没有错。“救火”与“救人”这两个词里的“救”并不是同义,“救人”中的“救”的意思是“援助”,“救火”里面的“救”的意思并不是“援助”,而是“止”,“救火”,就是制止火灾的发生。“救人”的“救”用的是今义, “救火”里的“救”是保留了古义,这样解释就通了。《说文解字》释“救”为“止也”。由此来看, “救”的本义就不难理解了。《辞源》、《辞海》“救”字条都有此义项。《古汉语常用字字典》在“止”这一义项中列举了《左传·襄公二十一年》的例子: The public security fire brigade is a militarized and specialized contingent fighting the fire. In the operations, the fire brigade has two major tasks in the fire: rescue and fire fighting. Some people have noticed these two words and they think it is ok to say “saving people”, but it seems that “fighting the fire” seems unreasonable. People can rescue, but the fire should not aid, or exterminate the good, think the combination of the word has a logic error. Actually, there is nothing wrong with “fighting fire.” “Salvation” and “Salvation” are not synonymous with “salvation”. The meaning of “salvation” in “salvation” means “aid” and “salvation” in “salvation” means not “Aid”, but “stop”, “fire fighting” is to stop the fire from happening. “Rescuing” “Rescuing” uses the present meaning, “Rescuing” in “Rescuing Fire” is to retain the ancient meaning, so the explanation passes. “Explain Word” release “save” as “only too.” From this point of view, “saving” the original meaning is not difficult to understand. “Etymology”, “Cihai” “Save” note has this meaning. The Dictionary of Ancient Chinese Words lists the example of “Zuo Xianggong twenty-one years” in the definition of “stop”:
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