听说杭州日报改了一下版,特意去找一张原来比较注意的“倾听版”看,却发生了一点小困难,因为两个“倾听”大字的栏目名一时找不着,仔细搜索了一番,才在左下与右上的边栏,找到了半个字的“倾听”。 一时不明白,为何栏目名要这般躲躲闪闪,是版面不够呢,还是嫌这“倾听”二字不太好看?既然版面不够,字可以小一点或删点文章,如果嫌难看,那索性换掉它。如此半个“倾听”,必有其中讲究。
Heard that the Hangzhou Daily changed a bit, deliberately to find a more attention to the original “listening version” to see, but a little difficult, because the two “listening” characters in the column name temporarily find it, carefully search for it , Only in the bottom left and right side of the bar, found half a word of “listening.” For a moment I do not understand why the column name is so dodge, is the layout is not enough, or suspect this “listening” is not very good word? Since the layout is not enough, the word can be smaller or delete articles, if it is ugly, it simply replaced it. So half a “listen”, there must be stress.