我院早在50年代及60年代即应用阔筋膜作上睑下垂悬吊术及视网膜脱离内垫压手术,积累了大量病例。自80年代始我院又开展了应用阔筋膜修补巩膜病变的手术多例,均取得良好效果,现将典型病例报告如下。例1 男14岁住院号A—0033934 左眼角膜缘上方长一肿物,13年,于1981年7月11日以左眼巩膜葡萄肿收住院。患儿生后七、八个月时,被家长发现双眼角膜大、混浊、怕光流泪。于1967年5月在我院以双眼先天性青光眼行电烙穿刺术(Preziosi 化手术)。术后眼压下降、症状明显好转出院。数月后其家长又发现患儿左眼角膜缘上方长一绿豆大小肿物,并逐渐增大,家长担心破溃,又来就诊,要求治疗。患儿既往体健,家族史无特殊。全身检查及常规化验未见明显异常。
As early as in the 1950s and 1960s, our hospital applied tensor fascia for ptosis and retinal detachment and accumulated a large number of cases. Since the 1980s, our hospital also carried out the application of laminectomy repair multiple cases of scleral surgery, have achieved good results, the typical case report is as follows. Example 1 Male 14 years old Hospital number A-0033934 The left corneal margin of a long tumor, 13 years, on July 11, 1981 to the left eye scleral hydroplasty admitted to hospital. Children born after seven or eight months, parents were found cornea eyes, cloudy, afraid of light tears. In May 1967 in our hospital with binocular glaucoma line of electropuncture (Preziosi surgery). Postoperative IOP decreased, the symptoms improved significantly discharged. A few months later, their parents also found that children with long green corneal margin of the left side of the cornea size of tumor, and gradually increased, parents worried about ulceration, but also for treatment, requiring treatment. Children with previous physical health, family history no special. There was no obvious abnormality in general examination and routine test.