10月29日,全国政协副主席、科技部部长万钢在河北调研时,专程来到唐山轨道客车有限责任公司,考察国产时速350 km“和谐号”动车组生产线。万钢对铁路部门和唐车公司迎难而上、勇于登攀,取得高速动车组研制技术的重大突破表示赞赏,并勉励唐车公司广大科技人员和全体干部职工,要
On October 29, Wan Gang, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and director of the Ministry of Science and Technology, made a special trip to Tangshan Railway Passenger Transport Co., Ltd. to study the domestic production line of the 350 km “Harmony” EMU. Wan Gang expressed its appreciation to the railway department and Tang Che Company for their hardships and great courage to climb up and make major breakthroughs in the research and development of high-speed EMU technology and encouraged the vast scientific and technological personnel and all cadres and workers of the Tang Che Company to