
来源 :中国乡镇企业会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyjwxb
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Objective: This study examined the effect of an educational intervention on public health nurses’ attitudes and confidence in dealing with men who have sex wit
Those workers most vulnerable to pressure tend to suffer from scarce social and personal resources with which to respond adaptively to stress. In this case, the
The aim was to evaluate the current state of knowledge pertaining to patient safety and its link to person-centred care. The international relevance of patient
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【正】 这几年,潍坊市寒亭区的大棚西瓜可真是出了名,北起吉林、南到上海,东自胶东、西至西安,寒亭西瓜频频出击,屡屡得手,市场迅速拓宽。自1990年寒亭出现第一个种大棚西瓜
Families need sufficient learning opportunities about mental illness. Therefore, family peer education program has been developed in Japan following the U.S. an
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【正】 对于大多数果农来说,今年的秋收并非全是金色的。曾一度给果农立下汗马功劳的红苹果,今年却受到了市场的严峻考验。果品价格普遍低廉,与去年同期相比下滑20%~30%。沂蒙山