目的通过介绍美国居民健康评价指标体系的发展特点,发现我国在居民健康评价指标体系建设方面与美国的差距。方法通过对比研究美国及我国居民健康评价指标体系的建设现状,提出我国未来健康评价指标体系建设的几点建议。结果为适应新形势下居民的健康评价需要,我国居民健康评价指标体系应树立健康全民的理念,深入研究符合我国居民实际情况的健康评价指标体系。结论借鉴美国在居民健康评价指标体系建设的经验,我国居民健康评价指标体系应以“健康中国2020”战略为指导,以深入调查我国居民的健康现状及健康危险因素为核心,充分联合相关部门,并积极参加国际交流与合作。“,”Objective To figure out the gap between the U.S and China, we explored the characteristics of US health evaluation and indicators system (HEIS). Methods By comparing the HEIS between the two countries, we brought out some suggestions to improve our HEIS. Results To meet the demand of residents’ health assessment, our HEIS is expected to establish health concepts which are based on the residents’ situations. Conclusion Learning from the US HEIS, our HEIS should be guided by “healthy China 2020” which mainly focused on current residents’health status and the health risk factors, and enhance coordination between departments as well as international exchanges and cooperation.