中国共产党将城市私营工商业工作提上日程 ,是从解放战争时期开始的 ;党通过制定政策 ,认真实践 ,摸索出了一套较为完善的保护和发展城市私营工商业的路子 ;党的城市私营工商业政策及其在实施过程中所取得的成效和经验 ,是对中共中央关于建设新民主主义国家经济的理论和构想的初步实践 ,是为新中国的经济建设探索前进的方向和道路 ,对促进我国非公有制经济快速和健康发展 ,具有重要意义。
The Chinese Communist Party put urban private industrial and commercial work on the agenda from the time of the Liberation War. The party worked through the formulation of policies and conscientiously practiced and worked out a relatively complete set of measures to protect and develop urban private industry and commerce. The Party’s urban private industrial and commercial policies And its achievements and experiences gained in the implementation process are the initial practice of the theory and concept of the CPC Central Committee on building a new-democratic country’s economy. They are an exploration of the direction and road for the new China’s economic construction and the promotion of non-governmental The rapid and healthy development of public-owned economy is of great significance.