德国斯宝亚创公司是全球最专业的 电热水器生产厂商之一,拥有超过81年 的成功经验。即热式电热水器更是成为 全球销量冠军,中国作为当今最具发展 潜力的市场,斯宝亚创在中国的市场下 一步计划又会是怎样呢?本社记者与斯 宝亚创(中国)营运总监布烈夫先生 (Mr.IVO.BOEER),针对现阶段的斯宝亚 创市场的发展与记者进行了交流。 《现代家电》:斯宝亚创作为一个德 国品牌,刚进入中国市场,但发展速度 很快,但有些经销商和消费者不是很了 解斯宝亚创,能不能简单介绍一些斯宝 亚创品牌和发展情况。 布烈夫:德国斯宝亚创国际集团公 司是菲尔德·斯宝博士(Dr.Theodor Stiebel)于1924年创办于柏林。总部设 在德国的霍斯伦敦(Holzminden),至今 已有80多年的辉煌历史.
One of the world’s most professional manufacturers of electric water heaters, with more than 81 years of successful experience, That is, hot water heater is to become the world’s sales champion, China as the most potential for development in today’s market, Skyworth create a market in China next plan will be like? Our correspondent contacted Mr. IVO.BOEER, Chief Operating Officer of Squadron (China), and exchanged views with reporters on the current S & P market. “Modern Home Appliances”: Si Bao Ya creation as a German brand, just entering the Chinese market, but the rapid development, but some dealers and consumers are not very knowledgeable Si Bao Asia record, can introduce some of Si Bao Asia brand And development. Bouleif: Germany Spartacus International Group Inc. Dr. Theodor Stiebel was founded in 1924 in Berlin. Headquartered in Holzminden, Germany, it has more than 80 years of glorious history.