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森林资源是我国的主要资源之一,相应的也促使林业生产工作显得尤为重要。由于我国地大物博,因此在地域,气候等因素的影响之下,各地的林木种植状况,生产状况也就不尽相同。鉴于此,对其进行明确的分类,则更便于寻找到合适的林种,而通过研究调查发现,森林立地分类法就是一个不错的选择,也只有通过这样的方式,才能从根本上保证林业生产水平的迅速提高,本文对此也将进行浅析。 Forest resources are one of the main resources of our country, correspondingly, it also makes forestry production work even more important. Due to the vast territory of our country, under the influence of such factors as geography, climate and other factors, the status of forest planting and the production status in various places are also different. In view of this, it is more convenient to find the suitable forest species through its categorization, and through the research and investigation, it is found that the forest site classification is a good choice. Only in this way can the forestry production be fundamentally guaranteed The level of rapid increase, this article will also be analyzed.