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  玛娅·安杰洛,1928年4月4日生于密苏里州的圣路易斯城,是美国文坛最耀眼的黑人女作家和诗人。玛娅多才多艺,她不仅是畅销书作家,出版过10部畅销书;她还是美国有名的演员、导演、制片人和影视剧作家,是好莱坞第一位黑人女导演;她又是社会活动家,曾接受美国民权领袖马丁·路德·金、总统杰拉尔德·鲁道夫·福特和总统杰米·卡特的任命。1993年,她应总统比尔·克林顿的邀请,在其就职仪式上朗诵献诗《清晨的脉搏》(On the Pulse of the Morning),成为美国历史上继罗伯特·弗罗斯特之后的官方诗人。她会法语、西班牙语、意大利语、阿拉伯语和西非芳蒂语等多种语言,执教过多所大学,现在是北卡罗来纳州的韦克福里斯特大学的终身教授。
  玛娅的创作与她的生活密不可分,具有强烈的自传色彩。代表作有自传体小说——《我知道笼中鸟为何歌唱》(I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 1970),诗集《我将奋起》(And Still I Rise, 1978)等等。玛娅的自传和诗歌已在非洲裔美国人心中引起广泛共鸣。
  If you cannot make a change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution.
  Never 1)whine. Whining lets a brute know that a victim is in the neighborhood.
  Be certain that you do not die without having done something wonderful for humanity.
  I gave birth to one child, a son, but I have thousands of daughters. You are Black, and White, Jewish, and Muslim, Asian, Spanish-speaking, Native American, and Aleut. You are fat and thin and pretty and plain, gay and straight, educated and 2)unlettered, and I am speaking to you all. Here is my offering to you.
  1 Home
  I was born in St. Louis, Missouri, but from the age of three I grew up in Stamps, Arkansas, with my paternal grandmother, Annie Henderson, and my father’s brother, Uncle Willie, and my only sibling, my brother, Bailey.
  At thirteen I joined my mother in San Francisco. Later I studied in New York City. Throughout the years I have lived in Paris, Cairo, West Africa, and all over the United States.
  1 家


  Those are facts, but facts, to a child, are merely words to memorize, “My name is Johnny Thomas. My address is 220 Center Street.” All facts, which have little to do with the child’s truth.
  My real growing up world, in Stamps, was a continual struggle against a condition of surrender. Surrender first to the grown up human beings who I saw every day, all black and all very, very large. Then submission to the idea that black people were inferior to white people, who I saw rarely.   Without knowing why exactly, I did not believe I was inferior to anyone except maybe my brother. I knew I was smart, but I also knew that Bailey was smarter, maybe because he reminded me often and even suggested that maybe he was the smartest person in the world. He came to that decision when he was nine years old.
  The South, in general, and Stamps, Arkansas, in particular, had had hundreds of years’ experience in 3)demoting even large adult blacks to psychological dwarfs. Poor white children had the license to address 4)lauded and older blacks by their first names or by any names they could create.
  Thomas Wolfe warned in the title of America’s great novel that “You Can’t Go Home Again.” I enjoyed the book but I never agreed with the title. I believe that one can never leave home. I believe that one carries the shadows, the dreams, the fears and dragons of home under one’s skin, at the extreme corners of one’s eyes and possibly in the 5)gristle of the earlobe.
  Home is that youthful region where a child is the only real living inhabitant. Parents, siblings, and neighbors, are mysterious 6)apparitions, who come and go, and do strange unfathomable things in and around the child, the region’s only 7)enfranchised citizen.
  Geography, as such, has little meaning to the child observer. If one grows up in the Southwest, the desert and open skies are natural. New York, with the elevators and subway rumble and millions of people, and Southeast Florida with its palm trees and sun and beaches are to the children of those regions, the ways the outer world is, has been, and will always be.


2012年10月11日,一个振奋人心的消息公布了:莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖,成为中国第一个获此殊荣的作家。  莫言,原名管谟业,于1956年生于山东省高密县,童年便过着贫苦的生活;12岁读五年级时辍学回家,在农村劳动多年;1976年应征入伍,历任战士、政治教员、宣传干事,曾在解放军艺术学院和鲁迅文学院研究生班学习。自20世纪80年代中期起,莫言以一系列乡土作品崛起,充满着“怀乡”以及“怨乡”
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这些年,环保是一个热门话题,很热闹。绿色因此被赋予了新的含义,成了媒体出现率最高的颜色:绿色经济、绿色产业、绿色旅游、绿色能源,应有尽有。可是后来我们发现自己高兴得太早了,周围的事物在相当程度上只是“被绿色”罢了。怪不得天似乎没有更蓝,空气似乎没有更清新。环保于是成了一个伤不起的话题。郁闷啊,这是怎么了?我们白高兴了一场吗?我们在沮丧后转而愤怒:是谁在忽悠我们?  且慢,换个角度看问题。为什么我们
转眼功夫,我们来到了2012年的年底,我们似乎还没有看到那个世界末日来临的迹象。地球人都知道关于2012世界末日的说法来自玛雅历法,既然末日不来,那我们去看看这个玛雅历法到底是怎么说的。  Tourists flock to this place year round to enjoy the sun, the stunning beaches and nearby Mayan ruins. Th