咖啡是世界第二大大宗商品,仅次于原油。全球人口每天会喝掉20多亿杯咖啡,即使在咖啡市场基数不算很大的中国,平均每年的消费增长也超过25%,与咖啡相关的其他产业也由此受到各界关注。长久以来,咖啡渣都被作为废物处理,但有些精明的人却从中嗅到了商机,德国没计师Julian Lechner便是其中一位。设计专业出身的他比其他人多了一些天马行空的想法,如何将日渐增多的咖啡渣变废为宝就是他2009年在意大利工作时萌生的“不靠谱”想法。
Coffee is the world’s second largest commodity, second only to crude oil. The global population will consume more than 2 billion cups of coffee a day. Even in China, where the coffee market is not very large, average annual consumption growth exceeds 25%. Other industries related to coffee are also receiving much attention from all walks of life. For a long time, coffee grounds have been treated as waste, but some shrewd people smell the opportunity, and Germany is one of them, Julian Lechner. He has more ideas than any other person in the field of design, and how to convert the increasing amount of coffee grounds into treasure is his “no fly” idea when he worked in Italy in 2009.