The essence of social practice is the perceptual historical activity that mankind meets his own needs by reforming the objective world and the subjective world and creating his own history. The form of practice is content form, space-time form and relational form. Practice has the objective reality and the subjective initiative unification, the motivation and the motivation of the subject unify; the active subject objectification and the objectification of the object; the unity of transcendence and social history; and the social significance of these four aspects Basic Features. Practice also has the objective determination of the subjective, objective subjective adaptation and subjective control of the objective through the active role of the main body; social practice determines the social practice, social practice determines the form of the relationship between the practice of practical forms of relations as a practical counter-productive in practice; Sexual practice determines other practices, and various kinds of practices are mutually dependent and mutually restricting and influencing other laws. The combination of various laws of practice constitutes the general law or general trend of history.